5 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care Rituals - CEDAR AND MYRRH

5 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care Rituals

Posted by Cedar and Myrrh on

Rituals are a potent way to infuse spiritual and healing energy into your daily life, which can be particularly powerful in your self-care routine. If you don’t take care of yourself, then it can be easy for your mental and physical health to begin to fall to the wayside. Rituals take your self-care routine to the next level by implementing greater spiritual energy into your actions.

The Top 5 Simple and Effective Ways to Infuse Rituals into Your Self-Care Routine

  • Practice Aromatherapy Meditation
  • Meditation is a ritual in itself, but by combining this ritualistic practice with aromatherapy, you can gain some self-care health benefits as well. A simple way to incorporate aromatherapy into your meditation practice is with an organic lavender aromatherapy eye pillow. All you need to do is place this calming eye pillow over your eyes when you lay down for meditation. The weight and cover over your eyes will deepen your relaxation and spread this healing aroma throughout your body. 

  • Use Healing Crystals
  • Incorporating healing crystals into your self-care routine will cleanse your auric field and shift your energy in a single moment. One of the most healing self-care practices for your skin is a facial roller. Rose quartz facial rollers are a powerful way to soothe inflammation in your skin, tone your face, and promote healing, loving energy throughout your entire body. You can add this to your daily self-care ritual to further the healing energy in your body, mind, and soul. 

  • Journal your Thoughts and Feelings
  • Journaling is one of the most powerful rituals to heal your mind and cleanse negative energies from within you. Throughout your day, it is easy to pick up the energy of others. By journaling your thoughts and feelings in a journaling ritual, you can release all of the energies you have been holding within you, clear your mind for sleep, or move forward throughout your day. 

  • Burn Healing Fragrances
  • As you practice any kind of self-care ritual, spreading healing fragrances throughout around you will automatically infuse spiritual energy into every moment. Particularly when you use the ritualistic scents of organic white sage and palo santo, these fragrances connect you to the long history of rituals practiced around the world and the spiritual energy of this aromatic smoke. 

  • Engage in Clean Beauty Rituals
  • Transforming your daily beauty routine into a ritual is a wonderful way to infuse spiritual energy into your everyday life. Every action that you take to care for your body is a loving action to yourself that promotes healing from within. By using conscious beauty products, you can ethically beautify yourself and deepen your beauty ritual into an act of conscious healing. 


    Self-care rituals are a simple and effective way to transform your mind and infuse spiritual energy into your daily life. At Cedar and Myrrh, we take rituals to the next level by creating beautiful products perfectly made to help you take your rituals higher. So, try some of the above self-care ritual techniques to start gaining the many benefits of this spiritually healing energy in your life today! 

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